The NYC Parks outdoor pool season typically runs from late June to the Sunday after Labor Day. During the season, Parks' staff record data via a mobile app survey at the end of each pool session. The survey includes questions on attendance, staffing, meals, issues, weather conditions, and closures for that specific session.
NYC Parks operates two sessions at each pool every day of the pool season. First Session is from 11:00am - 3:00pm. Second Session is from 4:00pm - 7:00pm, with the requirement for Olympic / Intermediate pools to stay open for Extended Second Session from 7:00pm - 8:00pm when the City Heat Emergency Plan is activated.
For each pool season, every pool will have at least two survey submissions per day - one submission for the first session, and one submission for the second session. A pool will have a third submission if it stays open for an extended second session.